Complete Autumn Lawn Care Guide


Complete Autumn Lawn Care Guide

Complete Autumn Lawn Care Guide

Autumn is a crucial time for lawn maintenance as, with milder temperatures and heavier rainfall expected, the conditions are ideal for preparing your lawn for the winter ahead.

If you’re staying on top of your lawn care and maintenance throughout autumn, you’re bound to have a strong and thriving lawn for when spring rolls back around.


Throughout autumn, you should keep the lawn clear of falling debris like leaves and twigs to encourage airflow and prevent lawn diseases from developing.

The wet and warm autumnal weather is ideal for fungus to develop and thrive, so raking the lawn regularly clears any built-up debris and increases airflow to the lawn.

If you leave debris to smother your lawn, areas can become patchy and slimy where mould or fungi may have formed. Fungal lawn diseases can kill off large sections of grass if not treated.


Regular weeding throughout autumn helps your lawn stay resistant to pest infestations and removes any undesirable plants that may be soaking up much needed nutrients.

You can pull them out by hand or tackle them all the way down to the root with a chemical weed killer.

However, if you’d prefer to keep your lawn free from harsh chemicals then there are several DIY weed killer methods that you can try, though they are best used on early growth weeds and re-applied for full efficacy.

Boiling Water or Steam:

If applied directly to the weed, the hot water scalds the stems and roots which damages the plant and kills it. Hot water leaves no chemical residue behind and is an easy, sustainable option for weed control.


Salt will severely dehydrate the plant, stunting its growth and ability to retain water. However, if it is used in excess, it can potentially damage the surrounding areas as it leaves residue behind in the soil.

You can apply granulated table salt directly onto the weed or dilute it into a brine-based spray for larger areas.

Vinegar or Lemon Juice:

The acidic nature of vinegar and lemon juice will dry out the surrounding area of the plant, shutting off moisture absorption and slowly killing it.

Vinegar or lemon juice are great DIY alternatives as they’re often household items and readily available to use.


Watering your lawn during autumn is only required if it is a particularly dry period. Drought spells can encourage root growth from your turf and help develop a healthy lawn.

If required, the best time of day to water your lawn is in the morning or at night before the sun is directly overhead. This gives the lawn time to soak up any moisture before the sun begins to evaporate it.

It is very difficult to overwater your lawn. However, if it’s been a particularly wet autumn and you’re noticing that your garden has boggy and waterlogged areas where water is pooling, that’s a definite sign to hold off on watering until those areas dry out. You can also aerate the lawn using a garden fork to improve drainage and minimise the chance of overwatering.

Watering your garden depends on your local climate and weather, so you should always base your watering schedule on the immediate needs of your grass.


During autumn, you won’t need to mow your lawn as frequently and can gradually lower the amount of cuts. You should aim to complete your final cut of the season towards the end of September/early October.

As your grass growth begins to slow, you should increase your mower blade height so that you’re not risking scalping your lawn which can cause brown, dead patches. You should not remove more than one-third of the grass length at any one time.

It is best to mow when the grass is dry for a cleaner cut. Your lawn mower can potentially tear and damage the grass blades if conditions are damp.

Mowing your lawn to a consistent height and keeping the grass well-watered throughout autumn will encourage a healthy lawn ready to go into winter.

mow your lawn as frequently


If your ground is lacking in nutrients, you can feed your lawn to give it a boost before winter.

Autumn is the perfect time to feed your lawn as it creates a stable base for your grass to toughen up ready for the incoming colder months. Healthier, rich soil also minimises the chances of any lawn diseases or weeds developing.

You should aim to feed your grass in the morning or in the evening before any sun is directly overhead to avoid burning the lawn. The best way to tailor your feed is to test your soil pH levels and identify where it’s deficient in certain nutrients. You can then look to purchase a feed that is high in those targeted nutrients to improve the soil health.

If you don’t want to use chemical fertilizers, using DIY sustainable alternatives like homegrown compost, leftover coffee grounds or pasta water can be an effective, natural alternative to give your soil a nutrient boost.


If your grass is looking dry and patchy now that summer is over, you may want to overseed some areas to repair and inspire denser re-growth.

The optimal temperature for overseeding is when the climate is consistently reaching 10-12°C for the best results and fastest germination.

Choosing a seed mix that blends well with your existing grass will give a fuller, more uniform look.

How to Overseed:

  1. Mow your lawn to a height of 1.5-2 inches before overseeding to expose the soil underneath.
  2. Spread the seed evenly over the affected area, with a recommended coverage of

approximately 20g/m2.

  1. Once sown, lightly rake/ sprinkle topsoil over the area to ensure the seed is covered

with soil for optimal growth and germination. This will also help prevent birds / pests

from eating the seed before it establishes.

  1.  Water immediately after sowing. In autumn, you should aim to water 2-3 times a day initially, then a few times a week once the seeds have germinated and established.

Keeping your grass healthy and vibrant during autumn requires a bit of extra care and attention as the climate starts to shift but, if done well, means that your lawn can stay strong and healthy over winter.

Author Bio

Chrissie Handley is a lawn care specialist working for Online Turf– a third-generation family-owned farm and e-commerce company with over a decade’s experience selling garden turf and providing tailored gardening knowledge.

With extensive expertise in laying turf, lawn maintenance, and seasonal gardening advice, Chrissie is dedicated to helping gardening enthusiasts achieve lush, healthy lawns year-round.