How To Use Textures In Garden Design


How To Use Textures In Garden Design

How To Use Textures In Garden Design

How do you make a garden feel like home? One of the most important aspects is adding textures to your space. Textures, such as wood and stone, provide variety in color and appearance that can be used to create an inviting atmosphere for time spent outdoors. If you’re looking for inspiration on how to use texture in your garden design check out our blog post “How To Use Textures In Garden Design.”

You can add landscape textures to make it much more interesting. In landscape design, the texture is the feel of the surface of an object in relation to touch. It can be coarse or smooth, flat or bumpy.

What Are Textures?

Textures are different kinds of components in your landscape design. It could be anything from the construction materials used for paths to plants. They are all considered as textures, which make up a landscape.

Different textures can be fascinating and add a lot to the whole landscape design. A flat surface with a single material can be very dull and monotonous. On the other hand, a complex design with different textures will make you feel comfortable walking on any part of it.

Texture Types And How To Use Them

Texture Types And How To Use Them

Creativity comes in handy in using landscape textures. For example, for a gravel path, you can use textured or colored rocks and stones to make it more interesting. You may also use different types of paving materials to create different textures.

These are the different elements that can be used in landscape design to add texture:


Flowers are perhaps the most common texture around. Flowers of different colors and shapes can create beautiful patterns.

You must select plants that look good together and give an excellent textured feel to your garden design. There are many types of flowers, including annuals, biennials, perennials, and bulbs. So, you have a lot of choices when it comes to selecting plants for your garden design.

When it comes to using flowers in your textures, you can use them in two ways:

  • As single specimens: You can use a single type of flower as a specimen in your garden. It’ll make the flower the star of the show. For example, you can use a bed of bright red roses as a focal point in your garden.
  • In groups: You can also use flowers in groups to create texture. It’s a great way to add color and life to your garden design. For example, you can plant a bunch of brightly colored tulips together to create a beautiful patch of shade.

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Hard Materials

Aside from plants, you can also create texture using hard landscape materials. These are called ‘hardscape textures’ which include brick, gravel, and stone.

There are different ways to get a textured effect when using such materials. For example, you can use bricks of different hues and shapes. Also, consider the size of the pieces of gravel or stone when choosing what to use in your landscape design.

You can also create hardscape texture by using items other than stones. For example, using tree branches or logs can create a theatrical effect in your landscape design. It’ll make your landscape look more natural and exciting.

Using hardscape materials can be challenging since you need to choose the suitable pieces according to how you want them to look in your garden. Here are some tips on how to use hardscape materials to create a textured landscape design:

  • Go with the correct size of stone or gravel: Make sure that it matches your landscape design. For example, a large pebble will look weird in a small garden, while a tiny pebble can make a huge difference if used in an expansive backyard.
  • Use different colors: This will create an interesting effect in your landscape design. You can also use a variety of textures to make it more interesting.
  • Create patterns: This is a great way to add interest to your landscape design. You may use different shapes and sizes of stones or gravel to create unique patterns.
  • Create a focal point: Using hardscape materials, you can create a focal point in your garden. It can be an exciting way to add drama and interest to your landscape design.


Aside from flowers and hardscape materials, you can also use foliage to create texture in your garden. This includes leaves, vines, and branches.

Leaves come in various shapes, sizes, and colors. You can use them to create interesting outlines in your garden design. For example, you can use a mix of different types of leaves to create a colorful patchwork effect.

You can also use vines and branches to add character to your garden. Vines can be used to cover up fences or walls, while branches can be used to create natural-looking boundaries for your garden.

The texture is an integral part of any garden design. It can be used to add interest, drama, and life. By using the right textures, you can create a beautiful landscape design favorable to the eye.

Here’s a list of different foliage textures to use in garden design:

  • Smooth texture: This type of texture is created by leaves that are smooth and glossy. For example, you can use an olive tree to add a smooth texture to your garden.
  • Variegated texture: This foliage texture comes from plants with variegated leaves. Variegated leaves come in various colors and shapes, giving your garden a very interesting look. For example, you can use a Japanese maple tree or a purple smoke bush.
  • Hairy texture: This foliage texture comes from plants with hairy leaves. Some examples include birch trees and the fern plant.
  • Punctuated texture: Tiny dots on a leaf’s surface create this type of texture. For example, you can use an English ivy or the nasturtium plant to create this quality in your landscape design.
  • Fine texture: Thin and delicate leaves create this type of foliage appeal. For example, you can use a fern plant or Asian jasmine to add a fine texture to your garden.
  • Coarse texture: This texture is created by leaves that are large and thick. It adds a more dramatic effect to your landscape design. You can use a maple tree or a redbud plant to accent this type of texture in your garden.
  • Soft Spike texture: This is created by using spiky leaves. They can be very striking in your garden design. You can use a cactus plant or a yucca to create this type of texture in your landscape.
  • Bold texture: This quality is created by leaves that are large and in your face. They can be very eye-catching in your garden design. You can use a palm tree or an elephant ear plant to add boldness to your landscape.

These are just some of the many textures you can use in your garden design. Try using a mixture of everything to create a beautiful and appealing landscape that’s pleasant to look at.

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How To Combine Textures In Garden Design

A key factor in garden design is to combine shapes and textures properly. Here are some tips on how you can effectively combine these two elements in your landscape design:

1. Start With The Big Picture

When planning your garden design, the first thing you should do is review the big picture. Look at your entire area and consider the different available areas where you can use textures, such as trees, flowering plants or ornamental grasses.

2. Create Anchors For Your Garden

The next phase in garden design is to create your different anchor points. These elements in your landscape design will help you determine where you should place the textures or vegetation types. Creating anchors will make it easier for you when choosing what textures to use and where exactly they should go in your yard.

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3. Know What Will Work Well Together

After creating your anchors, it’s time to start thinking about what textures will work well together. It’s where your personal taste comes into play. Do you want a garden that’s soft and romantic? Or are you interested in something more modern and cutting edge?

Once you identify what type of mood you want to create, it’ll be easier to select the right textures to use.

4. Use Variety In Your Design

One of the best things about texture is that it can add a lot of visual interest to your garden design. A well-planned garden should have various textures, making it more interesting to look at.

For instance, you can use grass with thin and fine leaves and add some trees with coarse foliage for an awesome contrast. Remember, there’s no set of rules for garden design.

5. Experiment With Different Textures

Another thing you should note is that it’s perfectly fine to experiment with different textures. You may even combine any of them to create a unique landscape design that’s truly one-of-a-kind. A great thing about garden design is that there are no right and wrong answers, so let your imagination run free and wild, and you’ll be surprised by what you can come up with.

Final Note:

Garden design can be a tricky art to master, but it’s also one of the most rewarding things you’ll ever do. Not only is it fun to plan your personal outdoor space, but it’s also an excellent way to express yourself.

So, don’t be afraid to explore your limitless options, experiment with different textures and shapes, and see what you can come up with. You may find yourself astounded by what wonders you can create and how beautiful your garden design can be.

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